But so. so. so. SO. important.
I hate to turn people away by getting "political," so hopefully this will be received in the right way.
I'm not going to talk about the marriage or voter amendments that are being contested in the state of Minnesota right now. I'm tired of discussing it.
However, as one of the amendments (you guess) is considered a "big issue" in American politics, some of our on-campus ministry leaders decided to invite some guest speakers to talk about another one last night: abortion. I've solidly believed that abortion is wrong from the get-go, but I saw some astonishing things yesterday, and for those of you who are unsure, who are "pro-choice," or don't think it's a big deal what each person believes about the issue, I challenge you to watch these videos. You can view them on the original website at http://www.abort73.com/videos/
If you don't think you have time to watch the whole video, start at the 4 minute mark; to me, that is the most important part of the video, although all the information is enlightening. Even if you think you know all the facts...this information could be very valuable in any future conversations you might have on the subject. It might save a life.
And let me also add...this is not a "religious" issue. THIS is human rights.